White Paper

I. Introduction
Cryptography has revolutionized finance and money, and the creation of Bitcoin demonstrated how a decentralized, peer-to-peer network could prevent forgery by solving the "Byzantine Generals Problem." Since then, many coins have been developed based on Bitcoin's open-source code, using two primary methods for generating new funds: "Proof of Work" and "Proof of Stake."
Proof of Work involves a mathematical competition where the first computer to solve the puzzle receives the coins. This method ensures fair coin distribution but creates an energy waste problem as computers compete in an arms race of hardware. Proof of Stake, on the other hand, is a competition between shareholders based on network connectivity and chance. Shareholders receive new coins and earn interest based on the amount they hold, eliminating the energy waste problem while introducing new security challenges.

In this technical analysis, we will explore the advantages and potential pitfalls of Proof of Stake, as well as potential improvements to the NFH network. We will honor our predecessors in this field and highlight the technical problem Proof of Stake solves. NFH network implements Proof of Stake 2.0, which represents a significant advancement in Proof of Stake since its initial implementation in "Peercoin". We will outline and highlight the great security of this system and the technical problem it solved.

We'll delve into the technical details of how NFH network Proof of Stake 2.0 works and discuss the benefits it brings to the table. From enhanced security to reduced energy waste, Proof of Stake 2.0 is a compelling approach to coin generation. We will also discuss potential issues with the approach, such as the challenge of achieving network consensus and ensuring that stakeholders have sufficient incentives to participate.

In conclusion, the rise of cryptocurrency has opened up new avenues for decentralized finance and transformed the way we think about money. NFH network implementation of Proof of Stake 2.0 represents a significant step forward in the world of cryptocurrency. As we continue to explore this exciting new field, we look forward to seeing what innovations and advancements the future holds.
II. Securing Transactions and Preventing Attacks
The security of a blockchain system depends on its ability to prevent fraudulent transactions and attacks. In our blockchain, we use a Proof of Stake mechanism to ensure the integrity of the network. The system requires users to prove that they have access to coins before they can participate in a competition to win a block. The more users that participate, the more secure the network becomes.
Coin age is another important factor in our blockchain. Holding coins for a longer period of time increases the likelihood of winning a block. This was originally intended to incentivize dormant coin holders, but it can also discourage nodes from staying connected to the network since they can wait for the reward to increase.

To prevent attacks, we have implemented timestamping and drift calculations in our Proof of Stake system. Timestamps give us a general idea of time, while drift calculations prevent forging of erroneous timestamps. In addition, we use centralized checkpoints to prevent any sort of timing attacks.

While there are potential pitfalls in any blockchain system, we believe that our Proof of Stake mechanism, combined with our careful attention to security measures, provides a secure and efficient way to generate new coins and maintain the integrity of the network.
A. Overcoming Coin Age
In the Proof of Stake system, the weight of unspent coins and the time they have been idle is used to calculate Coin Age. The calculation involves proofhash, coins, age, and target. While the Coin Age mechanism was initially designed to reward long-term holders, it has some drawbacks that can make the network vulnerable to attacks.
One issue with Coin Age is that it incentivizes nodes to disconnect from the network and wait for the reward to increase. Additionally, shareholders can disconnect from the network for extended periods of time and still win enough blocks to attempt a 50% attack on the network. Furthermore, the fewer nodes that are connected, the easier it is to gain a majority of the blocks and forge a consensus, and stakes can be calculated in advance to make the attack more effective.
However, there is a solution. In Proof of Stake 2.0, Coin Age is removed from the equation. The new calculation is simply "proofhash < coins · target". By eliminating Coin Age, the system no longer incentivizes nodes to disconnect, and this increases the number of nodes connected to the network, thus making it more secure.

B. Preventing Blockchain Precomputation
The Proof of Stake system relies on the block timestamp to prevent attacks. An attacker can attempt to fork a coin by changing previous timestamps, and the stake modifier does not obfuscate the hash of sufficiently to prevent knowing future proofs. This means that an attacker can compute all the blocks in advance and forge multiple consecutive blocks with a higher probability.
To address this problem, Proof of Stake 2.0 uses a new solution. The stake modifier is changed at every modifier interval to better obfuscate any calculations that would be made to pinpoint the time for the next proof-of-stake. Additionally, the expected block time was increased from the original 60 seconds to match the granularity, making it harder to compute future blocks. By doing so, the network becomes more secure and resilient to attacks.
When it comes to the NFHVM / EVM machine, both NFH and other blockchains use the same fundamental technology. However, NFH network has made several improvements to the EVM implementation that may make it more desirable for some use cases.
One major difference is that NFH has implemented a more efficient method for gas calculation. Gas is the unit of measure used to determine the cost of running a smart contract on the blockchain. NFH's approach to gas calculation is more streamlined and less prone to errors, which can result in faster and more accurate transaction processing.
Another advantage of NFHVM machine is its use of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. PoS is an alternative to Proof-of-Work (PoW), the consensus mechanism used by others. PoS allows for more efficient and cost-effective block validation, as it doesn't require the massive computational power necessary for PoW mining. This means that NFH transactions can be processed more quickly and at lower cost.